Digital Identity, Privacy
& Social Media Protection

Protect yourself, your business, and your family through a single platform

Digital Attacks are running rampant…

In today’s digital world almost everyone uses social media, websites, collaborative tools and other public platforms. Unfortunately, these platforms are being weaponized by attackers to wreak havoc on your digital life. This creates a massive, ungoverned public attack surface that leaves you vulnerable.

Your digital Public Attack Surface

Your increased public attack surface gives attackers access to:

  • Steal private or confidential information
  • Hijack your social media accounts
  • Impersonate you
  • Perform targeted scams, phishing and malware attacks
  • Spoof your web site
  • Destroy your personal and brand reputation

This leaves you, your family and your business open to all kinds of cyber-attacks and scams. Every. Single. Moment.

To defeat these new risks you need effective protection. We provide a comprehensive Digital Risk Protection platform that combines visibility, AI-driven analysis and remediation.
We not only find threats, we disrupt them.

Choose your protection

I want to protect myself & my family

I want to protect my business

Protect yourself and your family from growing online threats

With digital transformation comes digital risk. As your public digital footprint grows with new social platforms, online banking, e-commerce stores, and other digital profiles, so too does your exposure to possible threats.

Digimune provides an all-in-one platform to comprehensively protect you and your family from these risks.

What are the risks?

One Platform. Comprehensive Protection

Our Packages


The Deep & Dark Web harbours a massive source of data content and communication that often goes undetected and untraced. Digimune monitors and safeguards your personal information on these platforms. More

Traditional search engines offer no visibility into these channels, making them a prime market for bad actors looking to share or sell proprietary or personal information.


Deep & Dark Web Monitoring safeguards your personal information against data leakage, breaches, and the illegal selling of data on a broad range of deep and dark web sites, forums and chatrooms including TOR, I2P, ZeroNet, Paste Sites and more…


Receive alerts if any of your personal information or credentials are detected in any global data breaches.

…or monitor other unique personal assets like your Crypto Wallet or Gamer Handle and receive alerts on any indicators of compromise.


Digimune alerts on sensitive information including:
• E-Mail Address
• Credit Card information
• Identity / Social Security number
• Social Insurance number
• Medical ID number

• Passport number
• Phone number
• Bank Account number
• Date of Birth
• Address

Identity PLUS

Digimune Identity PLUS includes all the Digimune Identity features, PLUS Advanced Account Take-over Protection for your social media accounts. More

Your social media pages are your  personal digital property. Cybercriminals are continuously trying to take over or hack your social media account to scam your friends and connections.


Protection of your social media accounts is a must have in the digital age we live in.


Digimune Identity PLUS includes all Digimune Identity features PLUS:
Advanced Account Take-Over Protection for your social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.


Digimune offers out-of-the box rules that will alert you if we find that anyone is trying to hack or take over your social media accounts.


If any indicators of compromise are detected, you will be able to Lock any of your owned accounts or Block any criminal actors.

Identity PREMIUM

Identity PREMIUM includes all Identity PLUS features, PLUS advanced Social Media Protection features like Social Media Impersonation and Doxxing Protection. More

The increasing popularity of social media platforms has many consequences for our lives.


One of them being that cybercriminals exploit it to try and scam people into providing their money or personal details. One of the ways this is done is through social media impersonation. 


There is a huge increase in the publishing of sensitive and personal information on public and social media platforms. Also known as Doxxing.


Identity PREMIUM includes all Identity PLUS features PLUS:

Advanced Social Media Protection features like Social Media Impersonation and Doxxing Protection.


Digimune will provide alerts for any potential impersonating social media accounts that are found.


Doxxing Protection monitors and alerts on the publishing of sensitive and personal information such as name, address, workplace, phone number, or other personal identifying information.


Identity PREMIUM allows you to request takedowns of impersonating social media accounts and threat actors targeting you that are in breach of the network’s terms of service.

Choose your package

  • Identity
  • Identity PLUS
  • Identity PREMIUM
Features Identity Identity PLUS
Identity PREMIUM
R24.00 /month
R230.40 /year
Save 20% when buying annual subscription
R83.33 /month
R800.00 /year
Save 20% when buying annual subscription
R133.33 /month
R1,280.00 /year
Save 20% when buying annual subscription
Deep & Dark Web Monitoring
Data Breach Notification
Crypto Wallet Monitoring
Gamer Handle Monitoring
Social Media Account Take-Over Protection
Social Media Impersonation Protection
Social Media Doxxing Protection
Takedown & Remediation
Buy Monthly Subscription
Buy Yearly Subscription
Buy Monthly Subscription
Buy Yearly Subscription
Buy Monthly Subscription
Buy Yearly Subscription
* All prices exclude VAT and local taxes

Enterprise-Grade Digital Risk Protection for small & medium sized businesses

Almost all businesses today rely on email, the web, social media and other public platforms to operate their business. Modern organizations are increasingly using digital platforms to engage customers, interact with employees and grow their business. Digital transformation is having a wide-ranging impact on the business environment, creating both opportunities and unique challenges and threats.

Digimune protects your organization and individuals from the external threats introduced by social media, deep & dark web, fake news, app stores, and collaboration platforms.

What are the risks?

One Platform. Comprehensive Protection

What we offer

Deep & Dark 
Web Monitoring

The Deep & Dark Web harbours a massive source of data content and communication that often goes undetected and untraced. Digmiune monitors and safeguards your personal information on these platforms. More

The Deep & Dark Web harbours a massive source of data content and communication that often goes undetected and untraced.


Traditional search engines offer no visibility into these channels, making them a prime market for bad actors looking to share or sell proprietary or personal information.


From customer credit card numbers to pilfered product designs, these channels represent new risks for your business including data exposure, information leakage and corporate espionage.


Digimune Deep and Dark Web Monitoring safeguards your business information against data leakage, breaches, and the illegal selling of data on a broad range of deep and dark web sites, forums and chatrooms including TOR, I2P, ZeroNet, Paste Sites and more…


Digimune  prevents the sharing of customer information, account credentials, passport numbers and PII on the deep and dark web that puts your clients, employees, brand and business at risk.


We continuously monitor deep and dark channels in order to provide your team with early detection of information leakage, contextual analysis  of cyberattacks, and actionable alerts.


Because social media is the latest tool in the evolution of brand growth and engagement programs, safeguarding it should be the cornerstone of a brand protection program as well. More

Because social media is the latest tool in the evolution of brand growth and engagement programs, safeguarding it should be the cornerstone of a brand protection program as well.


Brand protection in the social media age means grappling with the speed, volume and diversity of risks associated with social media.


Marketers are expected to find and eliminate malicious content, brand impersonations, fake profiles, hacked accounts and customer scams, all while succeeding in their day jobs of growing engagement and driving revenue.


Digimune Brand Protection is built to help brand and marketing teams protect their social media presence from revenue-damaging threats to the brand, their hard-earned social accounts, and their engaged followers on social media & digital platforms.


Digimune secures organizations against critical issues like account hijacking, offensive content posted to corporate pages, brand impersonation accounts, and scams targeting customers.


Brand Protection is ideal for brand managers, marketing teams, and security teams addressing external threats to their social media accounts, reputation, online brand, and follower engagement.

Business Page 

Social media pages are your organization’s digital property. quickly and efficiently protecting your social media pages is a must have for doing business in the digital age. More

Social media pages are your organization’s digital property.


Trolls, spammers, competitors, cybercriminals  and even  unwitting customers or employees can post dangerous, malicious, offensive, or sensitive content, and quickly and efficiently protecting your social media pages is a must have for doing business in the digital age.


Customers and prospects increasingly engage online, and business is won or lost on social networks.


With Digimune, immediately block, hide or remove racial slurs, sensitive data like credit cards numbers, competitor posts, scams, malicious links, and much more, all in real time.


Digimune Business Page Protection allows you to automatically protect your pages from offensive or malicious content, saving time on an otherwise resource-intensive, manual task.


The portal allows you to customize exactly what you do and what you don’t want posted to your pages, in addition to out-of-the box rules around offensive language, malicious links, pornography, scam, sensitive data and much more.


Once detected, Digimune can immediately enforce a number of actions, including hiding or removing a post or blocking a repeat offender’s profile.


This set-it-and-forget-it protection frees up time for page-owners and ensures the valuable customer community is not driven away by offensive content or scams.

Monitoring & Protection

Protect your corporate websites, brand and revenue by finding and eliminating domain squatters and typo phishing campaigns that target your employees and customers. More

Your website is often the first way for customers to engage with your organization.


Attackers mimic your domain to dupe unsuspecting users into believing they are interacting with the official brand.


Protect your corporate websites, brand and revenue by finding and eliminating domain squatters and typo phishing campaigns that target your employees and customers.


Digimune identifies domains closely associated with your brand, executives and assets that you do not currently own, providing recommended actions.


Safeguard customer engagement – Protect customers from phishing and malware scams by ensuring your URLs are the only ones they could possibly click on.


Avoid costly security incidents – Stop attackers from running mass campaigns against your customers and protect your business from the security and reputational ramifications.


Digimune's artificial intelligence-based platform enables you to protect your executives and VIPs by rapidly identifying cyber and physical risks across social media. More

Your organization and high-value employees give away more information in the social media age than ever before, putting executives and VIPs at substantial risk, both physical and cyber.


Executives expose their travel plans, post non-compliant posts and fall victim to cyber attacks.


Highly visible VIPs like athletes, public figures, or talent have their personal brand impersonated and exploited for scam and cyber attackers, have their physical location exposed or advertised without their consent, receive threats, and post content that can cause a public relations crisis.


Above all, all these accounts are subject to hijacking, and the owners of the account are often not up to date on the latest privacy settings, security controls, or social media risks.


The artificial intelligence-based platform enables you to protect your executives and VIPs by rapidly identifying cyber and physical risks across social media.


The platform enables you to gain real-world situational awareness by directly interacting with the social networks and digital platforms   to collect data   and quickly  identify risky or threatening content, be it an outgoing risk or an incoming threat; across the world or just a block away.


Executive Protection is ideal for corporate security and executive protection teams who need to extend visibility and situational awareness to the social & digital world, enabling them to best safeguard their executives or other high-value people, such as public figures, talent, celebrities, athletes and more…

& Remediation

Whether the culprit is a malicious profile or a dangerous post, Digimune saves you from the manual, costly and arduous process of finding and taking down impersonating accounts. More

Digimune gives you the ability to request the takedown of impersonating social media accounts, spoofed domains, or threat actors targeting you that are in breach of the network’s terms of service.


We work on your behalf to automate the process of packaging and directly reporting it to the source provider for removal.


We pride ourselves in maintaining the most effective and broadest takedown capabilities of any security vendor.

… saving you time and resources


Social Media Takedown Use Cases:

  • Brand Impersonation (Trademark Infringement)
  • Counterfeit Goods (Trademark Infringement) 
  • Copyright Infringement 
  • Employee Impersonation 

Domain Takedown Use Cases:

  • Domain name trademark violations (with live content)
    • DMCA /Copyright Infringement
    • Typically includes trademarked domain  name, images, logos + copyrighted content 
  • May be specifically referring to removal of copyright content and not the domain itself 
  • Phishing Complaints 

Choose your package

  • Business MONITORING
  • Business PLUS
  • Business EXECUTIVE
  • Popular
    Business PREMIUM
Features Business MONITORING
Business PLUS Business EXECUTIVE
Business PREMIUM
Deep & Dark Web Monitoring
Brand Protection
Business Page Protection (up to 5 pages)
Domain Monitoring & Protection (1 domain)
Executive Protection 3 5
Takedown & Remediation (social media & domains)

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